Saturday, June 20, 2015

The school

St. Louis College-Cebu : Home of the English Drive 

For us, our school always has felt like a second home. Most of our day is spent here in school. Walking through the school gates has always reminded us about our responsibilities as a student. In the corridors outside the rooms and in the quadrangle where we always have our flag ceremony, makes us remember of the shoes we will have to fill for the future. Every time a teacher walks inside the classroom, we always feel a little nervous, but it is what drives us to raise our standards and always do our best. The school taught us to be aware of the rules that we should be following, thus, making disciplined, something that we can nurture so we can live by it in our lives. After the bell in the last period, that sigh of relief is what mostly students hoped for, but for us, it is just a mark that tells us that it’s only a small break in between. And that we should not desperately wait for it because as we walk out of the blue gates of the school, there's always a time that we will have to go back to do our responsibilities as students.

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