Monday, June 29, 2015



The St. Louis College-Cebu’s English Drive is one of the most known school rules that have not existed in most schools. This rule envisions helping students become more confident in speaking the English language. Students are encouraged to speak fluently inside its school premises. This rule is covered with different articles to keep the system in order and sound. Two of the best instruments that help the proper implementation of the rule are known to be the chip and the reporting system. The chip is used within the section. It is circulated when a student is caught by its fellow student speaking in vernacular. When the circulation time ends the student who holds the chip at current time will be receiving demerits under the supervision of the assigned English Drive monitor inside the classroom. The report/reporting system can be used both inside and outside the classroom. This can be used if any student caught speaking in vernacular is not given the chip or when there is a sabotage of the drive. Each three papers will be equal to one merit to the reporter and a demerit to the violator. And if incase it is a sabotaging case students involved are violated under behavior. With heights of these sanctions students are very much challenged to follow the drive. This can improve their communicating skills, extending the heights of their dreams and making them productive citizens in the making.

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