Monday, June 29, 2015


Our fly is about stepping up. When we step up we become more productive than we were yesterday. One way to step up is to show the world what you’ve got. It’s never good to forever stay in shadows when however you’ve got a beautiful spark. Who knows your spark might change other people’s life.
In the story, our protagonist, Daedalus got an incredible spark that has shaped lives. He made people happy and ventured. Every time he dares to do impossible things, he steps up to being more productive.

To us, louisians, English Drive is our instrument for stepping up. Because of English Drive we are able to showcase our skills most specially in speaking the language fluently. With English Drive, we become more confident and competent in the outside world which is something we should be proud of.
So ladies and gentlemen of St. Louis College-Cebu, don’t settle for less, be proud, and step up with English Drive.

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