Monday, June 29, 2015


Our fly is about stepping up. When we step up we become more productive than we were yesterday. One way to step up is to show the world what you’ve got. It’s never good to forever stay in shadows when however you’ve got a beautiful spark. Who knows your spark might change other people’s life.
In the story, our protagonist, Daedalus got an incredible spark that has shaped lives. He made people happy and ventured. Every time he dares to do impossible things, he steps up to being more productive.

To us, louisians, English Drive is our instrument for stepping up. Because of English Drive we are able to showcase our skills most specially in speaking the language fluently. With English Drive, we become more confident and competent in the outside world which is something we should be proud of.
So ladies and gentlemen of St. Louis College-Cebu, don’t settle for less, be proud, and step up with English Drive.



The St. Louis College-Cebu’s English Drive is one of the most known school rules that have not existed in most schools. This rule envisions helping students become more confident in speaking the English language. Students are encouraged to speak fluently inside its school premises. This rule is covered with different articles to keep the system in order and sound. Two of the best instruments that help the proper implementation of the rule are known to be the chip and the reporting system. The chip is used within the section. It is circulated when a student is caught by its fellow student speaking in vernacular. When the circulation time ends the student who holds the chip at current time will be receiving demerits under the supervision of the assigned English Drive monitor inside the classroom. The report/reporting system can be used both inside and outside the classroom. This can be used if any student caught speaking in vernacular is not given the chip or when there is a sabotage of the drive. Each three papers will be equal to one merit to the reporter and a demerit to the violator. And if incase it is a sabotaging case students involved are violated under behavior. With heights of these sanctions students are very much challenged to follow the drive. This can improve their communicating skills, extending the heights of their dreams and making them productive citizens in the making.

The cast


We the authors would also love you to know more about us. We would like to give some in formations about us and few words about what inspired us to create this blog.

 Mr. Humorous
Hey there! I am Matthew Del Castillo, call me “Matthew”. I am the kind and helpful that loves to play games. I am also funny talkative but I know when to be silent. I am also happy to have been given the opportunity to help make this blog.

To me English Drive is very useful in disciplining us and someday it will be a great help for our future. I also want to thank my teachers for they never fail to inspire us in pushing us to our betterment, making me proud to make this blog.

Mr. Confidence
Hi there I’m Wilsen, short for Kurt John Wilsen Canillo such kind helpful person who you can easily approach. When you need little things anytime and anywhere I will be waiting for you.  I can sing for you when you wanted to. I am most of the time very relaxed because I want my surrounding to chill. So enjoy life and everything is going to be alright.

I feel so blessed to make a blog for English Drive because I honestly want to promote English Drive. We students need the English Drive. And I want to challenge myself so that I can speak English fluently making me more confident. I want to challenge my skills as well, and I want to be an effective speaker.

Mr. Mysterious
I am Vincent Gabriel Mendoza born on the 19th of June 2000. I like writing poems and doing outdoor activities. I want to do things in order. I also believe that excellence is only a choice not a high-standard.
What inspired me to do the blog were the school rules. The rules that the school imposes are all practical and were something that I thought was blog-worthy. Making the blog was so fun and educational at the same time.

Ms. Only girl
Hello. I am Stacey Villegas. My friends really love to call me “Stake”. I am the person who was raised by tough parents which is why I have a tough attitude. But I can be really sweet. And talking about my interests well, I love music, art and sports so much. I want to venture life in a best way because I believe that no matter how short life is, it will never feel like short when you live it with worth. I would always want to live my life and devout it to being part of others’.

English Drive changed me a lot and to make a blog for this is a terrific idea. I’m very proud to be a product of St. Louis because I know that I am someone trained to be a very effective speaker and a productive citizen someday.

Mr. Goody
Hello my name is Emmanuel John Sibi but better call me Emman. I am known to be very jamming. But most of all, I am very respectful person because I want to teach my friends on how to be very delicate like a good person. I teach them to reconcile and forget being bad.

I am inspired to blog because like I said I want to be the good boy now, something I was never before because I believe that it’s never too late to show delinquency in your every act.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The school

St. Louis College-Cebu : Home of the English Drive 

For us, our school always has felt like a second home. Most of our day is spent here in school. Walking through the school gates has always reminded us about our responsibilities as a student. In the corridors outside the rooms and in the quadrangle where we always have our flag ceremony, makes us remember of the shoes we will have to fill for the future. Every time a teacher walks inside the classroom, we always feel a little nervous, but it is what drives us to raise our standards and always do our best. The school taught us to be aware of the rules that we should be following, thus, making disciplined, something that we can nurture so we can live by it in our lives. After the bell in the last period, that sigh of relief is what mostly students hoped for, but for us, it is just a mark that tells us that it’s only a small break in between. And that we should not desperately wait for it because as we walk out of the blue gates of the school, there's always a time that we will have to go back to do our responsibilities as students.